What is this website about?

What you are up to your digital knees in here is the official website of the society Royal Danish Pudding Enthusiasts. The society's purpose is to promote the Danish variety of the dessert pudding - in Danish 'budding'. Budding is made using boiled milk, sugar and starch or gelatine as the base of flavours such as chocolate or vanilla. The consistency is solid and the dessert is often served with a fruit sauce or whipped cream.

The society was conceived by Eric 'The Quivering Dutchman' Ziengs and Dr. Jan 'Oetker' Christensen (click for photo) during a coach trip to Tennenbroon in the summer of 2005. The official founding happened on 25 August 2005 at the general assembly.



"Oh no! My pudding is trapped forever! So I can open my own can of pudding, can I?"

Homer Simpson




A society on the move

During the first 20 days, the Royal Danish Pudding Enthusiasts surpassed 25 members while the website boasted more than 1,000 visits.

A Google search on the word 'budding' results in more than 21,500,000 pages but the very first page suggested is this one.

Today, more than two years after its founding, our society has nearly 170 members and this website is coming up on 30,000 unique visits.

We have reached hundred of thousands of Danes through articles, interviews and appearances in the major Danish newspapers and on the biggest radio stations.

The biggest project undertaken by us, so far, was putting pressure on the leading dairy producer in Denmark, Arla, to get them to reintroduce pudding in their assortment. This was done through a petition signed by more than 1,000 people.


For more information, please contact us

Royale Danske Buddingentusiaster
phone +45 41427567
   or    +45 40352404
e-mail: info(at)budding.dk 


All material on this page (including recipes, photos, documents, songs, sound and video clips) and its sub-pages is copyright © RDB 2005-2009 and is only allowed to be reproduced with a written accept from the society Royale Danske Buddingentusiaster. RDB is independent from any economic, religious, ethnic, political, national and racial interests. *the founding year of the society is not 1734.